The Best Time To Visit Nyerere National Park

The best time to visit Nyerere national park

The best time to visit Nyerere national park

The best time to visit Nyerere national park : Many tourists who want to visit Nyerere National Park on a Tanzania safari wonder when is the best time to go there. The dry season, which runs from July through October, is the ideal time of year to visit Nyerere National Park since it offers the highest densities of wildlife across the park. For water, the animals typically gather around lakes and watering holes.

Dec. through Feb. is a great time of year to visit the park because it’s a green season with lush and green landscape. However, the rainy season in April and May also give fantastic game viewing in Nyerere National Park. February is the ideal month to go birdwatching and a terrific time of year to see newly born animals.

Nyerere National park wilddogs
Note: The amount and timing of rain in Nyerere National Park has an impact on the flora and water supplies, which in turn influences animal concentration and migration within the park as well as the nearby Selous Game Reserve.

The ideal time to visit Nyerere National Park often depends on the weather, the season, the wildlife, and the reasons listed below.

The weather

When humidity is taken into account, the average annual temperature at Nyerere National Park is quite constant, feeling warm for the most of the year with little probability of precipitation. The warmest month in Nyerere National Park is often mid- to late-November, when highs typically hover around 92°F (33.3°C), with unusual overnight lows of 70.5°F (21.4°C). In Nyerere National Park, there is a bimodal rainfall season that begins with brief showers in November and December and ends with partial drying out in January and February. Early May is when the park has its lengthy downpours.

nyerere national park weather

When is the ideal time to go to National Park Nyerere?

See  below the montly weather paterns that influence the visit to Nyerere National park.
Wildlife in Nyerere, N.P. January–February

Since this is the rainy season, there will be a number of days with brief downpours, most often in the afternoons. The average temperature during the day is about 30°C/86°F, while the average temperature at night and in the early morning is 22°C/72°F.

March through May

The months of March through May are the wettest in Tanzania and the Nyerere National Park; most days are cloudy, though it rarely rains all day. The minimum temperature is typically 21°C/69°F, and the average maximum temperature is 28°C/82°F.

June to October

The majority of the days at this time have bright skies and lots of sunshine. The afternoon high is often around 28°C/82°F, while the nighttime low is around 19°C/66°F.

November through December

In Tanzania and the Nyerere National Park, November marks the official start of the wet season, however it’s difficult to tell when it will begin. Rainfall usually occurs in the afternoon and is usually light, so it shouldn’t interfere with your safari.

Variations in the weather are likely at Nyerere National Park since the weather is not as predictable as it once was.


The largest national park in both Africa and Tanzania, Nyerere National Park is home to an amazing array of wildlife, including lions, leopards, cape buffaloes, rhinos, and elephants. It also boasts a plethora of Lichtenstein’s hartebeests, antelopes, wild African dogs, waterbucks, elands, Nile crocodiles, and bushbucks. More than 440 species of birds have been reported calling Nyerere National Park home, including the African skimmer, black-winged stilt, Bohm’s bee eater, broad-billed roller, brown-headed parrot, and brown-necked parrot.

best time to visit Nyerere national park

Although dates may change yearly owing to rainfall patterns, the dry season, which runs from June to October, is the ideal time to explore Nyerere National Park.

What time of year is ideal to visit Nyerere National Park? How much are the elephants there?

There are several elements that affect the cost of a safari package to Nyerere National Park, and these ones include

The number of travelers
When you travel in a group, you may split the costs of your safari, which makes it more affordable than when you travel alone or with just two people. The cost of the safari also varies depending on the ages of the travelers. Younger passengers (those under 12) will pay less than adults do for the same journey.

The time of year you are visiting
The time of year you choose to visit Nyerere National Park affects how much the safari will cost as well. During the busiest time of year, prices are likely to be higher because there are more visitors to the park, which makes it harder to book the majority of the lovely and cozy lodgings. Peak Seasons: July through October is the best time to visit the Nyerere National Park if you’re on a tight budget.

The most expensive months to visit Nyerere Park are July and August. September through October are similarly pricey, but you can get slightly better deals because there are more rooms available. With the exception of Easter, April through mid-June are the most affordable times to visit Nyerere National Park.

Transportation: The method of transportation you choose for your safari to Nyerere National Park—airport or road—will have an impact on the cost of your safari; flying is normally more expensive than driving.

Two types of vehicles are typically employed for road transportation: safari vans that may accommodate up to seven persons and land cruisers.

nyererere national park elephants

When is the ideal time to go to National Park Nyerere?
Although land cruisers are more costly than tour vans, they are more pleasant because you can barely feel the road when you’re driving.

The kind of lodging
Travelers can choose to book accommodations in tented camps or safari lodges, and the choice of lodging will ultimately impact the cost of their safari to Nyerere National Park. There are several types of accommodations, from affordable to upscale.

Serena mivumo lodge Nyerere national park

Serena mivumo lodge Nyerere national park

An overview of Nyerere National Park’s seasons

Mid- to High Season: January through March and November through Mid-December
October to July is Peak Season
April through June: Off-season

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