Birding In Nyerere National park

Birding Safaris in Nyerere National park  ( Selous National park)

In the southern circuit of Tanzania, not far from Dar es Salaam, is Nyerere National Park( Selous Game reserve) . It’s the country’s largest National Park, and its many ecosystems are home to more than 440 different bird species. Lagoons, the River Rufiji, islands, and channels are popular places to see birds in their natural habitats in while in Nyerere National park.

Various species of birds can be seen in Nyerere National Park.
Some of the many bird species found in Nyerere are the mangrove kingfisher, , green-caped eremomela, yellow-bellied bulbul,red-winged warbler,  white helmet shrikes, Livingstone’s flycatcher,  wattle eyed flycatcher, red throated twin spot, grey-hooded kingfisher, Boehm’s bee-eater, black cuckoo-shrike, African skimmer, , spotted among others 

The period of year when the most species of birds can be seen in Nyerere
When it comes to birdwatching, Nyerere ranks among the world’s finest locations. The greatest time to watch the Nyerere birds is from November to April, which is the rainy season. Beginning with the onset of the rainy season, a small number of migratory birds begin to arrive in Nyerere, and by April, there are so many of them that it becomes difficult to see them all. When birds start laying eggs in the spring, whether they are permanent residents or seasonal migrants, April is the greatest time to see them.

birding in Nyerere Nationa park

Keep in mind that the heavy downpours that occur in April might cause widespread flooding. Most hotels will be closed because of the flooding, but now is the perfect time to watch the birds and their young.

Equipment necessary for birdwatching
You’ll need a few things to get you through the best birding season in Nyerere national park  once you’ve made the decision to go birding there. Although birdwatching is a low-maintenance activity that requires few supplies, there are a few essentials that should not be forgotten.

You can only truly appreciate birding without binoculars if you are an expert birder and can tell distinct species apart from a distance or by their calls. Binoculars are useful since many birds are easily startled and will fly away if they become aware that they are being watched.

To better see birds in the distance or high in the trees, invest in a good set of binoculars. Adjustable binoculars are the best choice for a fun day of birdwatching, but there are several kinds to choose from.

If you’re just starting out in bird watching, you can get a decent pair of binoculars for between $150 and $200.

Hiking shoes
For birding, sturdy hiking boots are a must-have. They’re great for navigating the slick and muddy paths.

ingestables and drinkables
Since birds often avoid human contact, most birding activities take place in uninhabited or distant places. In order to avoid being hungry when birding, you should bring along plenty of food and drink.

Repellent against insects
The forests and grasslands where these birds typically congregate are prime breeding grounds for several insects, most notably mosquitoes. If you want to enjoy birding with minimal disruption from insects, it’s a good idea to bring insect repellent along.

They’re the hides
There are hides set up so that you can get close to the elusive birds without drawing too much attention to yourself. Many species of birds will take off at the first sign of an observer or if they sense that one is approaching them, so having a place to hide can be quite useful.

Handheld audio recorders
The distinctive calls of certain bird species make it possible to identify them with relative ease. Using a portable recording equipment makes it simple to tell each bird species apart.

Having a camera with you while birding is essential so that you can capture your experiences and share them with friends and family back home.

Birding In Nyerere National park

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